Since the dawn of the agricultural evolution almost 10000 years ago, humans have long been growing their own food at home, and it’s only been in the last 200 that society has delegated almost all food production to large-scale farmers. On top of that, massive suburban areas combined with strict lawn care rules means that growing a garden at home has fallen out of favour in many parts of the world.
But nature has a lot to teach us about ourselves and the world around us, and one of the best ways to connect with nature is by helping it flourish within your own space. Whether it’s a tiny plot of land behind your flat or a half-acre piece of ground attached to your properly, these are some of the best reasons for growing your own garden at home.
Your Own Food
The price of food around rises with every passing year. Part of this is because monoculture farming sees less yields annually, and also due to the cost involved with transporting food around the world, it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep prices stable, meaning the consumer has to fork out more and more money.
One of the ways to cut down on costs is by growing food in your garden. Fortunately, most modern vegetables are extremely easy to grow, and it’s usually simple enough to increase yields by watching a few YouTube videos.
Fights Depression and Anxiety
Many experts agree that one of the best ways to fight anxiety and depression is by taking up a long-term hobby, and there are few that are quite as rewarding as growing a garden. Whether it’s for food, for the local wildlife, or just to do something during the weekends, growing a garden is a fantastic way of helping ease your mind and your worries.
Combine this with plenty of sunlight and exercise, and it’s a powerful way of helping manage mental illness, especially in the fast-paced and stressful world that we’ve created. Not only that, but it’s been shown that digging in healthy soil helps release different bacteria that can help fight depression when they’ve entered the body, and helps you relax when you sit down to see what’s new at
Fosters Community
One of the surprising but often welcome benefits of becoming a gardener is being able to foster a sense of community, especially if you grow vegetables. After a few years, a seasoned gardener will usually be able to grow more food than their family could ever use, and it creates the perfect opportunity to start giving out that extra food to those in need within the community.
There are countless stories of gardeners and small-scale farmers creating long-lasting friendships thanks to the food that they grow and their generosity.
Great For Blood Pressure
Research has found that spending time in a natural setting offers a powerful way of managing blood pressure, especially when we consider that high blood pressure is one of the world’s leading causes of death. Having a garden packed with plants, insects, birds, and other wildlife can help lower blood pressure and keep the body as healthy as possible.