For many, the idea of gaining health benefits from drinking a herbal tea might seem laughable at first, but there are a wide range of scientifically proven benefits that can be derived from the many herbal teas available on the market. Herbs are plants, which means that they are packed with an assortment of compounds and chemicals that the human body can use. Not all teas are worth trying, whether because of the taste or detrimental effects, but for the most part, herbal teas are something that everyone should try and incorporate into their daily lives.
Peppermint Tea
As one of the most common herbal teas in the world, peppermint tea isn’t difficult to get a hold of, and it has a myriad of uses that’s made it extremely popular. It’s most commonly used for digestive problems, and research has shown that it has anticancer and antioxidant properties. There have not been many studies conducted on peppermint tea, but there is a clear link between relieving digestive issues and consuming the tea. It’s got a mild but pleasant taste, it’s relatively cheap, and it’s a good substitute for normal black tea.
Chamomile Tea
Not far behind peppermint in terms of popularity is chamomile, a beverage that’s become known for its calming effects, and is used frequently as an aid for those that are battling to fall asleep. In fact, studies have shown that not only can drinking the tea every day help with sleep quality issues, but even the symptoms of depression, as was proven in a paper that followed post-partum women that were not able to achieve good sleep. Further research has also shown that the tea may have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and that it’s good for aiding the liver in its many filtering processes.
Hibiscus Tea
According to one of the largest studies ever conducted on beverages, it was found that hibiscus tea is the healthiest drink in the world, and this can be attributed directly to the deep colour of the tea. The hibiscus flower is packed to the brim with powerful antioxidants. In fact, some nutritionists suggest drinking it every day if possible due to the antioxidant content, although it should be noted that no more than a litre should be consumed per day. This is because the tea is so high in selenium that it can start to cause some issues when the body has too much.
Ginger Tea
Ginger is a spicy and tasty root that’s been used for thousands of years for its health benefits, and it makes a great tea that can relieve a wide range of symptoms. It’s an extremely effective remedy for nausea, but it has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting effects. More research has found that ginger tea can also be helpful for women suffering from menstrual cramps, with the studies also suggesting that having the tea every day a week beforehand can reduce the pain by up to half in some scenarios.